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Bringing the benefits of multiple assays into one

Helix’s Exome+® assay has been carefully optimized to provide the benefits of lcWGS, whole exome sequencing, microarrays, and targeted panels — all in one assay.

Targeted Panels

Panels are often used in clinical settings because they’re low cost and provide high quality coverage of specific, pre-defined genomic regions of interest. While useful in certain settings, such assays are limited by their narrow focus.

With ≥ 99.5% call rate across ~600 genes relevant to many disease states, the Exome+ assay enables you to run multiple panel-grade analyses with a single sample.


Whole Exome Sequencing

Panels are often used in clinical settings because they’re low cost and provide high quality coverage of specific, pre-defined genomic regions of interest. While useful in certain settings, such assays are limited by their narrow focus.

With ≥ 99.5% call rate across ~600 genes relevant to many disease states, the Exome+ assay enables you to run multiple panel-grade analyses with a single sample.


lcWGS and Microarrays

Panels are often used in clinical settings because they’re low cost and provide high quality coverage of specific, pre-defined genomic regions of interest. While useful in certain settings, such assays are limited by their narrow focus.

With ≥ 99.5% call rate across ~600 genes relevant to many disease states, the Exome+ assay enables you to run multiple panel-grade analyses with a single sample.


Targeted Panels


Panels are often used in clinical settings because they’re low cost and provide high quality coverage of specific, pre-defined genomic regions of interest. While useful in certain settings, such assays are limited by their narrow focus.

With ≥ 99.5% call rate across ~600 genes relevant to many disease states, the Exome+ assay enables you to run multiple panel-grade analyses with a single sample.

Whole Exome Sequencing


Panels are often used in clinical settings because they’re low cost and provide high quality coverage of specific, pre-defined genomic regions of interest. While useful in certain settings, such assays are limited by their narrow focus.

With ≥ 99.5% call rate across ~600 genes relevant to many disease states, the Exome+ assay enables you to run multiple panel-grade analyses with a single sample.

lcWGS and Microarrays


Panels are often used in clinical settings because they’re low cost and provide high quality coverage of specific, pre-defined genomic regions of interest. While useful in certain settings, such assays are limited by their narrow focus.

With ≥ 99.5% call rate across ~600 genes relevant to many disease states, the Exome+ assay enables you to run multiple panel-grade analyses with a single sample.

A future proofed assay

There are several advantages to running panels in the presence of a whole exome, including flexible test design, flexible re-testing, and increased functionality.

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The Exome+ assay provides the flexibility needed to build a comprehensive panel that can be expanded over time. With ~20,000 genes sequenced in each sample, every gene becomes a candidate for inclusion. And, while we have ensured the highest call rates across those genes that are most likely to belong to a panel, the Exome+ assay delivers high call rates for all genes beyond this core set.
Sequence once, query often info photo
The Exome+ assay provides the flexibility needed to build a comprehensive panel that can be expanded over time. With ~20,000 genes sequenced in each sample, every gene becomes a candidate for inclusion. And, while we have ensured the highest call rates across those genes that are most likely to belong to a panel, the Exome+ assay delivers high call rates for all genes beyond this core set.
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The Exome+ assay provides the flexibility needed to build a comprehensive panel that can be expanded over time. With ~20,000 genes sequenced in each sample, every gene becomes a candidate for inclusion. And, while we have ensured the highest call rates across those genes that are most likely to belong to a panel, the Exome+ assay delivers high call rates for all genes beyond this core set.
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